Growth Groups
We are committed to our Growth Groups providing a nurturing environment of discipleship that grows people in faith, prayer, knowledge, mission and care.
We want to have every member of our Church in a Growth Group, so that we can all grow in excitement about belonging to Jesus. We also want to apply the Bible to the practical issues of life so that members are affirmed and supported in their ministry and mission.
Fellowship Groups
Senior Moments is a group for senior members of NPAC, friends and neighbours.
The group meets on the third Monday of the month, 10am in our Hall, for fellowship board and card games.
Our Men’s Ministry is a very active group who meet together regularly to share around the Bible, as well as to plan their annual Retreat, 4WD outings, and how to help with regular maintenance.
The NPAC MU Australia group meets monthly, and enables women of all ages to help promote Godly marriage and family life. Gathering each month on the third Wednesday to share in Holy Communion at 10.00am, followed by the regular meetings, often with guest speakers.
We have a group of men who keep active playing Table Tennis in our Hall each week, Thursdays at 3.30pm.
On the third Sunday of the month, 1pm, our Ladies Fellowship Group gets together for an afternoon of craft, reading, chat, etc.