Parish Collection Notice 

The Anglican Parish of North Pine collects personal information, including sensitive information, about parishioners, volunteers and their families for the building of a ministering community and for the proper administration of the Parish.

  1. The primary purpose of collecting information is to allow the Parish to exercise its functions and activities and ultimately to enable you to participate in the ministering, pastoral and practical services of the Parish.

  2. The Parish collects, uses, holds and discloses personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

  3. If the Parish does not obtain personal information from you, it may not be possible for you to participate in certain of the practical and pastoral services offered by the Parish.

  4. Personal Information may be disclosed to others for administrative purposes including The Corporation of The Synod of The Diocese of Brisbane (Diocese).

  5. You may seek to access information collected about you by contacting the General Manager of the Diocese. Access to personal information is dealt with in accordance with the Dioceses Privacy Policy located at the following link -

  6. You may seek to have personal information corrected. Correction of personal information is dealt with in accordance with the Dioceses Privacy Policy.

  7. You may make a complaint in accordance with the Dioceses Privacy Policy if you believe the Parish has breached the APPs.